School Based Cases
Updated Weekly
School Site | Students | Staff |
Pacific Grove Campus | 0 | 0 |
Seaside Campus | 0 | 0 |
Update: November 9, 2021
The purpose of this communication is to inform you of the latest Covid updates, and help you prepare for future mandates set forth by Governor Newsom and the State of California. This is intended to be purely informational, and not intended to persuade or influence any family’s decision in regards to the Covid vaccine. We encourage families to consult with their medical providers if there are questions about the vaccine as it relates to their children specifically.
The FDA and the CDC have authorized the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for 5-11 year olds. Governor Newsom announced the COVID-19 vaccine will be required for in-person school attendance. The requirement will take effect at the start of the term following full approval of that grade span, to be defined as January 1st or July 1st, whichever comes first. Based on current information, the requirement is expected to apply to grades 7-12 starting on July 1, 2022. This mandate allows for medical exemptions along with personal exemptions. To obtain a medical exemption you can follow this link. We are still looking into how to obtain personal exemptions, and will provide that information to you as it becomes available. However, it is noteworthy that there is a potential the personal exemption may be eliminated at some point in the future.
As a public school, we must comply with these state mandates and our office staff spends an inordinate amount of time on noncompliance with the current vaccine laws. In an effort to avoid this burden, and to provide easy and equitable access to the vaccination to the families who want it, we will be hosting an on campus vaccination event. This will be open for enrolled students and their families, and occur on weekend days so as to not interfere with any school activities.
The first dose will be offered at the PG campus on Saturday, November 13th from 1:00pm-7:00pm. The second dose is Sunday, December 5th from 1:00pm-7:00pm. If you would like to sign up for this clinic, please use this google form to sign up. This clinic is open to enrolled students and their families. We can accommodate up to 250 students who are 5-11 years old, in addition to providing vaccines for the 12+ group and booster shots as well.
In order to mitigate wait times during the vaccination event, we ask that you please print and fill out a consent form (attached) for each individual who will be receiving a vaccine, and bring it with you along with a copy of your insurance card. There is no charge for the vaccine, and if you do not have insurance that is not a problem. Parents/guardians must be present with their child at the time of their vaccine, and will have to wait 15-30 minutes afterwards for observation. We will be providing a Zoom Q&A session with the pharmacist that will serve as the consult, as another way to decrease wait times during the event. The Zoom session will be held on November 10th, at 6:00pm. A link will be sent out to everyone who RSVPs to this event. Please pre-submit any questions for the pharmacist to by Tuesday, November 9th at 5:00pm.
You may park at Salamander Field, which can be found after you pass the school on David Ave. The entrance for the lot is located before the intersection of Buena Vista and David. Registration will be found out front of the performing arts room.
MBCS Vaccine Consent Form Pfizer-Biontech Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine for 5 11 Years Old
Download PDF Document
MBCS Vaccine Consent Form COVID-19 Vaccine for 12 Years Old and Older
Download PDF Document
Addison Edwards, M.A.
COVID Coordinator
Monterey Bay Charter School
Update: September 13, 2021
Monterey County Health Department is working with local health care providers to distribute and administer COVID-19 vaccine. Monterey County Health Department has been and continues to plan for the distribution of vaccine to residents as it becomes available. Because of extremely limited quantities, vaccine allocation and distribution are progressing in a phased structure established by the ACIP and as recommended by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). CDPH determines the number of doses allocated to Monterey County based on the population of the priority tier(s) currently being vaccinated and the amount of vaccine California receives from the federal government. For information about the number of doses allocated to other counties, visit CDPH’s COVID-19 vaccine website.
The reporting of vaccine administration data into the state systems is consistently an under-count of actual number of doses administered locally. In addition, race, ethnicity, and address information is sometimes missing or inaccurate.
Vaccine allocation (doses received) and administration (shots given) information will be updated once a week on Mondays by 5:00pm. Data may shift up or down from week to week due to data cleaning, delayed reporting, or adjustments to eligible population. Please scroll down for more detailed vaccine allocation and administration information.
Update: August 31, 2021
This plan is continuously updated to reflect the most recent guidance from the California Department of Public Health and reflects the most recent three feet distancing guidance.
Update: August 31, 2021
Dear Monterey Bay Charter School Families,
Our COVID numbers, and the number of students on quarantine, due to being a close contact, is on the rise. At this time we have (2) confirmed student COVID case and (1) confirmed staff COVID case. Administration is implementing a COVID-19 dashboard on our school website which will be updated every Friday or as cases arise.
This is an update to the MBCS “COVID Cheat Sheet ” specific to COVID testing of students. The COVID Cheat Sheet was sent via Parent Square and located on the front page of our school website: (under the files toolbar).
The COVID Cheat Sheet stated that “The school is offering COVID testing Monday or Wednesday with a 48-hour turnaround time” for students.
At school testing of asymptomatic students has been reconsidered due to the following:
- Ineffectiveness of detecting coronavirus infection using random testing of students without symptoms.
- The turnaround time for the samples collected at MBCS is approximately 48 hours. We have observed that the results from tests collected at other sites have been received more quickly.
- For positive or presumptive positive tests, it is best to have follow-up tests conducted at the same lab since the analysis process varies by lab. Since MBCS isn’t open every day, testing and results could be significantly delayed for initial and follow-up tests.
MBCS remains committed to implementing a layered approach to prevent and track COVID in our school.
Please Note: Effective today, the Executive Director changed the mask mandate for all individuals on campus. Masks are now required at all times even outdoors, unless eating and drinking.
The administration sent an email on Saturday to all employees and followed up by hand-delivering a “Safety Reminder” flyer to ensure that all employees:
- Reinforce Masks throughout the day and provide students with a disposable mask if their mask does not stay snugly on their face throughout the day.
- Wear masks all the time except when eating or drinking and during “games” class. But students must run or play more than six feet apart if their masks are off.
- Use the outside classrooms more often during the day.
- Increase physical distancing in the classroom. Classroom layouts have been distributed to assist teachers in setting up their rooms to maximize space between students.
- If an employee works with multiple students or classes throughout the day, maximize the distance to avoid cross-contamination.
We are surveying all employees regarding vaccination status and will comply with the law for employees to be vaccinated or be COVID tested once per week.
Thank you for your diligence, we must strive to keep everyone safe and in school as much as possible.
With gratitude,
MBCS Administration
Update: August 26, 2021
Check your child each day before they leave home.
Has your child had any symptoms listed below:
- Fever (100.4 F / 38 C or higher)
- Cough
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Chills
- Muscle aches
- Loss of taste or smell that started in the last 10 days. Children may say that food “tastes bad” or “tastes funny.”
- Shortness of breath
- Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
If your child DOES have any of the symptom above:
- Keep them home from school until 24 hours have passed since a fever of 100.4 or higher has resolved without the use of fever reducing medications; AND COVID symptoms have improved; AND a negative COVID test OR a health care provider provides documentation that symptoms are typical of their underlying chronic condition (e.g. allergies or asthma OR confirmed alternative diagnosis such as strep Coxsackie virus, etc.) OR 10 days have passed from onset of symptoms.
- Contact your child’s doctor and ask for a COVID-19 test for your child or get a free COVID test at various locations throughout the county: Find a COVID-19 Testing Location Here
- Call the Pacific Grove school office @ 831-655-4638 and inform us that your child is exhibiting symptoms on the list. Do not call and say, “my child is sick,” as we need to determine if the symptoms may be some other reasons, such as a bee sting or poison oak.
Update: April 6, 2021
This plan is continuously updated to reflect the most recent guidance from the California Department of Public Health and reflects the most recent three feet distancing guidance.
Update: March 24, 2021
Dear Monterey Bay Charter School Families,
Last weekend, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) released new distance guidance for schools; reducing the distance requirements from six feet to three feet between students. Shortly thereafter, the Governor and the California Department of Public Health adopted the CDC’s new distance recommendation for schools. This is great news for those who would like their student to return to school for in person instruction for longer periods of time and additional days.
For MBCS, our next steps are to measure all classrooms and all desks (neither desks nor classrooms are uniform in size) to determine how many students can fit into a classroom and into the outdoor spaces we have created. If it is possible to increase the number of students, then we need to meet with representatives from Monterey Bay United (the union which represents our school’s teachers and other certificated staff) to negotiate this new change. After the negotiations are complete, we can set a reopening date for everyone to return to school for in person instruction, if they wish to do so. Families will be given an additional opportunity to choose to remain in distance learning or participate in the expanded in person instruction days. We will continue to keep you updated on any new information and changes as they occur.
It has been a real pleasure to see our students back on campus and we look forward to the possibility of seeing them more frequently.
With gratitude,
MBCS Administration
Update: February 22, 2021
This checklist and the Safety Plan have been submitted to the California Department of Public Health and the Monterey County Public Health Department in preparation for reopening in person. The checklist is available here:
Update: February 1, 2021
This plan is continuously updated to reflect the most recent guidance from the California Department of Public Health.
Update: January 29, 2021
Here is a short animated video from Stanford Medicine’s Maya Adam, which illustrates how the the respiratory disease COVID-19, is transmitted among people and how transmission can be prevented.
Update: December 17, 2020
As a gentle reminder, and to keep us all safe, the office staff will be reduced and staff will rotate working from home. The office is closed to all visitors except essential workers (UPS, USPS, PGE, etc.) Office staff will answer the phone between 9-3 and can also be reached by ParentSquare, and email during this time. If you have a technology question, please contact our RTI help desk at 1-844-784-4357. The direct number to the RTI help desk can also be found on the ParentSquare main page, bottom right hand side. Lastly, we will no longer be holding supplies for families to pick up outside of the monthly materials pick up days.
Please Note: We kindly ask that parents remain off campus at this time unless your child is participating in our proctored distance learning program for acute need students. In addition, we ask that families refrain from bringing gifts for the faculty to the school. We appreciate your understanding with this matter. We have also attached the new stay at home orders below for reference. Please continue to stay safe.
With gratitude,
MBCS Administration
Statewide metrics were updated on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 and the update shows increases in Monterey County’s metrics. Adjusted case rate is 45.9 (36.7 last Tuesday) and positivity rate is 13.3% (11.6% last Tuesday). Our healthy equity quartile metric is 18.0% (15.1% last Tuesday).
Since our adjusted case rate is above 14.0, waivers will not be considered. Eighteen waivers have been granted to Monterey County schools thus far. We are still in the purple tier.
Monterey County Health Officer Dr. Edward Moreno has issued a stay at home order for Monterey County, placing new restrictions on the county to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The order went into effect at 10 p.m. on Sunday, December 13th and is in effect until 6 a.m. on January 11th.
As announced on December 3, 2020, California now has a new Regional Stay Home Order. Monterey County is in the Bay Area Region. Today’s Bay Area Region ICU capacity is listed as 15.8%. The order will go into effect at 11:59 PM the day after a region has been announced to have less than 15% ICU availability. The supplemental order clarifies retail operations and goes into effect immediately. They prohibit private gatherings of any size, close sector operations except for critical infrastructure and retail, and require 100% masking and physical distancing in all others. Once triggered, these orders will remain in effect for at least 3 weeks. After that period, they will be lifted when a region’s projected ICU capacity meets or exceeds 15%. This will be assessed on a weekly basis after the initial 3 week period. The Bay Area Region is not under the Regional Stay Home Order at this time.
CDPH has also updated Guidance for Quarantine for COVID-19. The update includes the following changes:
- Exposed asymptomatic health care workers; and
- Exposed asymptomatic emergency response and social service workers who work face to face with clients in the child welfare system or in assisted living facilities.
- Adhere strictly to all recommended non-pharmaceutical interventions, including wearing face coverings at all times, maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet from others and the interventions required below, through Day 14.
- Use surgical face masks at all times during work for those returning after Day 7 and continue to use face coverings when outside the home through Day 14 after last exposure.
- Self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms through Day 14 and if symptoms occur, immediately self-isolate and contact their local public health department or healthcare provider and seek testing.
Please this link for testing sites throughout Monterey County:
Monterey County Testing Sites
Update: December 1, 2020
Attached you will find a presentation that was given to the County Board of Supervisors by Dr. Moreno, Monterey County Public Health Officer. It provides an update on COVID-19 metrics, increased rates, impacts, mitigation efforts we all must participate in, and other updates as it relates to COVID-19 in our county. Please note, we are still drafting a waiver for TK-6 to return to in-person learning for board review with no definitive start date. We will keep everyone posted on the waiver progress.
State Issues Limited Stay at Home Order to Slow Spread of COVID-19
In light of an unprecedented, rapid rise in COVID-19 cases across California, Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today announced a limited-stay-at-home-order. A limited Stay at Home Order requiring that non-essential work, movement and gatherings stop between 10 PM and 5 AM in counties in the purple tier. The order will take effect at 10 PM Saturday, November 21 and remain in effect until 5 AM December 21. This is the same as the March Stay at Home Order, but applied only between 10 PM and 5 AM and only in purple tier counties that are seeing the highest rates of positive cases and hospitalizations.
Students in grades 1st – 8th and their families are invited to participate in the Outdoor Classroom Design Challenge. We are collecting ideas to prepare for moving into the hybrid model when it is safe to do so and want student input. There are quite a few submissions already by our creative and ingenious students. The Design Challenge is open until 11/30/20. If your family has materials to donate for the outside classroom spaces please contact Jessica Guzzi.
Update: September 22, 2020
Options for Reopening Schools in Monterey County
Governor Newsom and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) have released guidance related to reopening schools for the 2020-21 school year. Below are three options for schools to consider.
Monterey County schools may re-open for in-person instruction when Monterey County has been in the state’s “Red Tier” for 14 consecutive days. The Red Tier is California’s second highest risk level and counties that are in that tier have a positivity rate of less than 8% and between 4-7 daily cases per 100,000 county residents. Does not require approval from Monterey County Health Department. - ELEMENTARY WAIVER
CDPH outlined a waiver application process for schools in “Purple Tier” counties who wish to provide in-person instruction for students in grades TK-6. The waiver application must address all required elements outlined by CDPH. The Monterey County Health Officer will review and consider approval of waiver applications based on local epidemiological data and other guidance provided by CDPH. Waiver applications may be submitted to the Monterey County Health Department when the 14 day average number of new cases drops below 200 cases per 100,000 residents. - TARGETED, SPECIALIZED SUPPORT AND SERVICES
Counties in the state’s “Purple Tier,” are permitted to offer in-person instruction and services to small cohorts of students (14 students to 2 adults or a configuration of no more than 16 individuals total in the cohort) with special needs (students with disabilities, English learners, homeless youth, foster youth, those struggling with distance learning, etc.). Does not require approval from Monterey County Health Department.
All school reopening plans must follow CDPH health and safety guidelines including face coverings, symptom screenings, increased cleaning and
hygiene practices, social distancing, and more. For a complete review of the Guidance for Schools and the K-12 Reopening Framework, visit the Industry Guidance Schools section.
Update: September 1, 2020
COVID-19 Workplace Plan
On March 19, 2020, California’s State Public Health Officer and Director of the California Department of Public Health issued an order requiring most Californians to stay at home to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in our state. This living document provides guidance for Monterey Bay Charter School (“MBCS”) employees to work safely in his/her workspace and will be revised and updated from time-to-time, as necessary. This document is not intended to revoke or repeal any employee rights, either statutory, regulatory, or collective-bargaining, and is not exhaustive, as it does not include County health orders, nor is it a substitute for any existing safety and health related revelatory requirements such as those of Cal/OSHA.
The Director, as the designee of the Executive Director, will be responsible for updating this document as necessary and for monitoring state and local public health communications regarding COVID-19.
Update: June 22, 2020
Dear Monterey Bay Charter School Community,
Throughout the summer, I will send pertinent updates relevant to COVID and Reopening. Here are two to pass along:
1. Legal update re masks in school:
2. Social Circles
Monterey County Health Department releases guidance on social circles
Today, Monterey County Health Department released guidance on “social circles”. This guidance is intended to allow individuals to interact more with family and friends, and for youth to participate in extracurricular activities. The guidance is effective immediately.
Social Circles are small, stable groups of 12 or fewer people that are part of either a Household and Friends Support Unit or a Children’s Extracurricular Activity Unit as defined in the guidance. Individuals may only participate in one Social Circle for a four-week period, with some exceptions.
“Being connected to others is good for our mental and physical health,” said Dr. Edward Moreno, Monterey County Health Officer. “Social circles allow for more connectiveness to people outside of our household while considering the health and safety of vulnerable individuals by limiting the number of contacts.”
Social gatherings of persons in a Social Circle are allowed if the gathering takes place outside and individuals comply with all applicable requirements and guidelines.
People in Social Circles are not required to strictly adhere to Social Distancing Requirements while participating in social gatherings authorized in the guidance. However, persons in Social Circles are still strongly encouraged to:
Maintain six-foot social/physical distancing from each other;
If 13 years and older, wear face coverings; and
Wash or sanitize hands frequently.
For details see the guidance at
Cheers, Cassandra
Update: June 11, 2020
Dear Monterey Bay Charter School Families and Employees,
I wanted to share the County Public Health Officer’s press release. Schools are part of the “reopening businesses” within Level 2. As you know, we are currently in “Level 2.” We have been developing our fall reopening plans and collecting input from families through focus groups as we expect to be at level 2 or 3 in the fall.
During the fall, we may move between levels depending upon the virus’ impact and it may lead to more or fewer restrictions. We have the flu season to contend with and we may have low incidences on the peninsula at this time, but we are a tourist zone and if we move into level 3 over the summer it will lead to more businesses being open and more opportunities for interaction and transmission. Our due diligence as responsible citizens helps keep everyone healthy and safe as we ride this pandemic’s wave. I will continue to share this information throughout the summer as it comes my way to keep you informed. You may adjust your ParentSquare settings to determine how and when you receive these messages. – Sincerely, Cassandra Bridge, Executive Director
Here is the press release:
On May 26, 2020, the Monterey County Health Officer issued a new Shelter-in-Place Order which aligns the County Health Officer Shelter-in-Place Order with applicable State Orders to fully join the State in Stage 2 and continue to move with the State through Stages 3 and 4 of the State COVID-19 Resilience Roadmap.
On June 11, 2020, a supplement to the order was issued and can be found here.
In order to continue to reduce the risk of exposure and transmission of COVID-19, the Governor has issued COVID-19 Industry Guidance for businesses to follow when reopening. The Governor’s purpose is to provide guidance on how businesses can resume operations while supporting a safe, clean environment for workers.
It is critical that businesses take all steps necessary to ensure the safety of workers and customers, which includes developing and implementing a COVID-19 prevention plan. Key prevention plan practices include physical distancing to the maximum extent possible, use of face coverings by employees and patrons, frequent handwashing and regular cleaning and disinfecting, and training employees on these and other elements of their COVID-19 prevention plan. In addition, businesses must have in place appropriate processes to identify new cases of illness in workplaces and, when they are identified, to intervene quickly and work with Monterey County Public Health to halt the spread of the virus.
This Order requires that businesses that are allowed to reopen statewide or to reopen with Monterey County attestation and County Health Officer approval must implement California Resilience Roadmap COVID-19 Industry Guidance. Businesses must also adhere to any additional Monterey County Health Department guidance. Adherence to the guidance will continue to limit person-to-person contact and ensure continued social distancing and other infection control measures in the workplace and in the community.
“Countywide efforts to socially distance, use face coverings, wash hands, clean and disinfect surfaces and stay at home as much as possible have slowed the spread of COVID-19,” according to Dr. Edward Moreno, Monterey County Health Officer. “In order to reopen safely, businesses will need to implement State guidance that protects workers and customers,” says Dr. Moreno. “Customers should also respect the efforts of our local business owners and their workers as they establish healthy practices that will protect us all.”
Businesses must review, understand and implement sector specific guidance found at State of California webpages at
Update: May 13, 2020
This is a nasal test for the active COVID-19 virus and infections, this is not an antibody test.
Dear Monterey Bay Charter School Families,
Yesterday in the County Superintendent’s meeting that I attend, we learned about this partnership that Governor Newsom has formed to provide more testing for COVID-19 in our county. Today, I received the flyers for distribution to our community.
The purpose of this partnership and county-wide testing is to help the County and State really understand the infiltration of the virus in each county. This knowledge will help inform health officials about our county’s statistics and allow us to move through the Governor’s proposed re-opening stages expeditiously should our testing results demonstrate that it is safe to do so. It also will give everyone peace of mind about their own health and the health of their family members.
Please see the attached flyers in English and Spanish to get tested for COVID-19 whether you show symptoms or not.
Cassandra Bridge, Executive Director

Update: May 8, 2020
Community Message from Cassandra Bridge, Executive Director
For weeks we have been meeting, planning and consulting with various agencies to develop next year’s school schedule in compliance with Centers of Disease Control guidelines and our County Health Department’s requirements. As no definitive information has been provided at this time, we are moving forward with developing various scheduling options for the fall that will be drafted into a plan. This will take some time as the process includes gathering feedback from families, students, staff, and board members on both what they believe has worked during the past six weeks as well as suggestions for improvements. We are expecting deep cuts to our State income and will need to meet the needs of our school with significantly less funds in the 2020-21 school year due to the economic downturn. We are exploring contracting out our childcare program to provide more options for parents next year. We want to hear from you via this survey, hold virtual meetings, hear your thoughts and feedback through ParentSquare, and work together towards improving our practices. When we have more information and recommendations, we will share that publicly.
Three Options Under Consideration:
MBCS must be prepared to implement each option as new guidelines emerge:
- Option 1: Normal School Environment returns. We sincerely hope for this option
- Option 2: Hybrid Environment: Small Cohorts/Split Schedule with Distance Learning Instruction
- Option 3: Continuation of Shelter In Place Orders/Distance Learning Environment
I meet regularly with the MBCS administrative team and with the county superintendents to discuss plans for reopening school this fall. We will continue to meet until we are confident that we have a plan that can serve our TK through 8th grade students with sufficient flexibility to respond to this ever changing pandemic. We will gather feedback and ideas from all stakeholders throughout this process. Currently, we are focusing our energy on Option 2 as that seems most likely, though this may change. The hybrid schedule means only small cohorts of students will be allowed on campus at one time. Each class would be divided and half of the class will attend school physically for two days per week each and the whole campus will engage in distance learning via Google Classroom one day per week plus the two days they do not attend school physically (3 days total). One of the days would be dedicated to deep cleaning between each cohorts’ presence on campus.
Ultimately, plans must pass the scrutiny of county health officials for alignment with certain guidelines and the Governor’s executive orders. All districts in the county are awaiting the required template for this purpose and are all in similar meetings to discuss the three options. We are networking and sharing ideas across our county and paying attention to schools internationally who are already returning to school. The partnership and collaboration at the Monterey County Office of education under the leadership of Dr. Deneen Guss has been exceptional.
We are seeking our families’ input on our plans and encourage you to provide honest and direct feedback on the survey. Your emails and Parent Square suggestions have been very helpful as well. The administrative team will also invite staff to share their input and ideas. We will share out our drafted plans with everyone when they are more concrete.
Thank you for partnering with us to serve your children. We value the trust families are placing in MBCS to serve your children during these unprecedented times. We will get through this together! Thank you for taking the time to complete the following survey:
With gratitude,
Cassandra Bridge, Executive Director
Update: May 1, 2020
SHELTER IN PLACE ORDER: Monterey County’s shelter-in-place order has been extended through May 31, announced Monterey County Health Officer Dr. Edward Moreno on Friday.
The updated Shelter-in-Place Order goes into effect May 4, when the previous order was set to expire. The new order also includes a few modifications, which were “determined in part by using a risk-based analysis,” according to Moreno.
These modifications include:
- Easing of restrictions on construction, golf courses and golf driving ranges, which are subject to the health officer’s requirements for operation.
- Providing clarification on residential transactions, including rentals, leases, home sales and vehicle sales.
- Permitting plant nurseries, landscaping and gardening as well as drive-in church services.
- Allowing fabric and craft stores that sell supplies for the purpose of creating face coverings, gowns and personal protective equipment to operate.
All activities permitted in the order must comply with physical distancing requirements, specific activity limitations and all orders related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Update: March 31, 2020
MONTEREY BAY CHARTER SCHOOL IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC TO HELP SLOW THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 Monterey County is on a Shelter in Place order through May 4, 2020. With this new information and an abundance of caution, we are taking a safety-first approach and immediate action to extend the school facility closures through the end of the school year. To be clear, the 2019-20 school year is not over, it has just transitioned from classroom instruction into distance learning for the remainder of the year. For all stakeholders please check ParentSquare regularly for updates regarding continuing education.
- Superintendent: Cassandra Bridge (831 521 1072)
- Business & Human Resources: Kim King
- Special Education: Kari Wolf; Sandra Barton, Katie Hoops
- Student/Educational Services: Jessica Guzzi
- Help Desk: Perla de la Torre
- Enrollment: MBCS Office
Update: March 24, 2020
SHELTER IN PLACE ORDER: Monterey County is on a Shelter in Place order through May 4, 2020. For all stake holders please check ParentSquare regularly for updates regarding continuing education.
- The intent of the Shelter in Place order is to ensure the maximum number of people self-isolate in their places of residence to the maximum extent feasible. Vulnerable populations including the elderly and those with underlying health conditions must stay home.
- All community members should stay home except to perform essential duties for business continuity or government functions, to get food, care for a relative or friend, get necessary health care, or perform activities related to maintaining a healthy lifestyle during this time.
- It is OK to go outside for walks if you are not in a group and practice proper social distancing.
Update: March 18, 2020
SHELTER IN PLACE ORDER: Monterey County is on a Shelter in Place order through April 8, 2020. For all stake holders please check ParentSquare regularly for updates regarding continuing education.
The County Board of Supervisors and Health Officer Dr.Edward Moreno issued a shelter in place order for all of Monterey County. With the confirmation of Monterey County’s first two cases of COVID-19 and increasing cases statewide, Public Health Officer Dr. Ed Moreno is issuing a Shelter in Place Order for all residents of Monterey County to enhance measures already being taken to slow the spread of novel coronavirus in our county and preserve critical health care capacity.
The order announced by Moreno will begin at midnight, March 18, 2020, which means tonight at 12:01 PM, and last for three weeks, until midnight on April 8, 2020.
The term, “shelter in place” is a more rigorous form of ‘social distancing’. The goal is to limit groups congregating together to stop the further spread of the virus; it is not a complete social shutdown. It means to stay in your home and not leave unless necessary for one of the designated exceptions. For most people, this means you and those you live with should remain at home. You can leave your home for specified reasons to make sure you have the necessities of life such as getting food and medical supplies. You are allowed to go outside to take care of pets, go on a walk, or just get outside as long as you do not congregate in a group and maintain at least six feet of distance between you and other people.
Update: March 13, 2020
SCHOOL CLOSURE: Monterey Bay Charter School (MBCS) will be closed from March 16 – March 31, 2020 in compliance with the Monterey County Health Department and Monterey County Office of Education in response to the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).
2020 LOTTERY: The random drawing (lottery) is scheduled for Tuesday, March 17th, 2020 at 2:00 pm and it has NOT been postponed because of the school closure.
Our state and local health and government entities have expressed the need to increase our preventative measures to reduce the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the various ways we, as communities, can work together to do so. Accordingly, the Monterey County Office of Education and Monterey County school district superintendents in conjunction with the Monterey County Health Department have decided to close all public schools and extracurricular programs in Monterey County schools for the remainder of March. All Monterey County schools will be closed starting Monday, March 16 through Tuesday, March 31.
For MBCS we will follow the countywide closure and this means students will NOT return to school until Wednesday, April 1.
Please click here to read the notice from Monterey County Office of Education alerting school communities of this decision.
Over the next two weeks, MBCS COVID-19 Response Team will continue to consult with local and state authorities and may make the decision to extend school closures and move to alternative non-classroom based learning or make any other changes to school schedules.