“Love starts when we push aside our ego and make room for someone else.”
― Rudolf Steiner

Dear MBCS Families, Alumni, and Community,
This year marks 25 years of offering a unique and inspiring education, guided by the core principles for public Waldorf education, to the families of Monterey County.

Our school has grown over the years, but the essential and most memorable aspects of the MBCS experience is alive in every classroom. I’m sure your family has memories of adventurous and abundant field trips, the smell of blue watercolor paint, seasonal songs and class plays, fairy tales and Norse mythology, the wonderful science experiments in middle school, or even knitting a sock. All of these rich elements provide children with experiences that will help them grow into joyful, creative, intelligent and well-rounded human beings.

One of the great benefits of public education is that it is available to everyone at no cost, allowing us to provide an amazing education for children from all over Monterey County. Here are some of the ways you can reconnect with your school and help us provide the resources to continue nurturing and educating our children:

  • Join us for our annual Winter Faire (formerly Holiday Bazaar) on Saturday, December 2, 2023 from 10am – 2pm, at our Pacific Grove campus. Enjoy making crafts, buying unique gifts from our vendors, eating delicious food made by our families, and listen to holiday music from our students.
  • Our garden, music, woodworking, blacksmith, handwork, and art programs are integral parts of our curriculum. Our goal is to ensure that our teachers and students continually have the resources they need to support a successful learning experience.

Donate today on #GivingTuesday to support critical MBCS programs and help build strong leaders for our future.

Thank you for your time, support and generous giving to Monterey Bay Charter School.


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