Spread your wings, it’s time to fly
Make the leap, own the sky

– Ms. Moem
Celebrate with us as we honor our 8th grade students at the outdoor stage in our Pacific Grove Campus!
Thursday, June 8, 2023, Commencement at 5:00 pm. Reception and Dance to Follow

Guitarist Mr. Brian Sheffield


Executive Director, Mrs. Jessica Guzzi

Keynote Speaker:
Mrs. Giulie Garland

Teacher Speech:
Mr. Aaron Vasquez

Student Speeches:
Led by Student Council President, Jackie Sullivan

Conferring of Degrees:
Mrs. Tomi Burgess, Board Chair and Executive Director, Mrs. Jessica Guzzi

Executive Director, Mrs. Jessica Guzzi

Special thanks to the commencement committee for all of their hard work in planning this year’s commencement ceremony


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