Our Annual Move A Thon is Now Live!
Our school move a thon is one of our largest fundraisers. Our school generally raises $25,000 from this event. Every student is asked to obtain pledges for the move a thon which will take place on both campuses on Thursday, November 9, 2023. Each student received an instruction page to take home to their family. I have also attached the pledge form below. Families can also go paperless and utilize our online giving page.
Thank you for supporting our school and helping children stay healthy!
Start Times
Thursday, November 9, 2023
- Second Grade: 8:45am
- Kindergarten: 9:30am
- First Grade: 11am
- Third Grade: 9am
- Fourth Grade: 9:45am
- Fifth Grade: 10:45am
- Sixth Grade: 11:15am
- Seventh and Eighth Grade: 11:45am