Celebrating Earth Month
April 1st marked the beginning of Earth Month; a month where we recognize and celebrate our planet. Earth Month is also a time to reflect on ways we can improve the condition of our planet.
Monterey Bay Charter School is entering its sixth consecutive year of being a NOAA Ocean Guardian School. We receive federal funding through the National Marine Sanctuary program to promote ocean literacy and stewardship, invite special guests, conduct classroom activities, go on outdoor field trips, do organic gardening, restore native plants, participate in beach clean ups and reduce waste.
We are also on a journey to become a zero-waste school, by becoming aware of what we are throwing away, recycling, composting and avoiding single use plastic.
This month, our Ocean Guardians are working on their Earth Friendly Household Checklists and participating in beach and neighborhood clean ups.
Amazon Smile
Did you know MBCS has an Amazon Smile account? If you are ordering items via amazon, please consider adding MBCS as your charity of choice. This is a great way to order items and support the school. If you have not already selected MBCS as your charity you will need to do so. It is listed as Monterey Bay Charter School Parent Teacher Group.

Donor Spotlight
We would like to thank Alecia Hull Real Estate for continually supporting our school with donations over the years. We are incredibly grateful to Alecia Hull Real Estate for generously donating $2,000 for our all school garden renovations this spring!
Thank you Alecia Hull Real Estate!

Grateful for Our Community!
Monterey Bay Charter School is incredibly thankful for all of the volunteers who have helped us create beautiful outdoor classrooms for our students. We are so grateful for our community!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our spring fundraiser for outdoor classrooms. We have raised over $10,000 for outdoor classroom supplies! We appreciate your generosity and support. We have been able to purchase lumber for benches, shade sails, buckets and clipboards for students and portable chalkboards. Thank you SO much! If you would like to donate to our fundraiser, please click the donate button below.