Our MBCS Summer Program was a huge success!
What an amazing five weeks we had with our summer program students! There were many beach trips to Asilomar, walks to the PG Natural History Museum, plenty of art, needle felting, learning about bees, reading, gardening, and countless hours of fun!
Our summer program ended last Friday with a fantastic circus show lead by ringmaster Dominick Naccarato and our amazing counselors. The second graders transformed themselves into bears, cats and other beasts; the third graders wowed us with hula-hoop skills that defied the laws of physics, the fourth and fifth grades entertained us with skits and more hula-hooping.
Thank you to everyone who participated; our service learners for lending helping hands, our fun and caring counselors and amazing teachers. We are all so very grateful to have had this opportunity to work together, make new friends and create wonderful summer memories.

Amazon Smile
Did you know MBCS has an Amazon Smile account? If you are ordering items via amazon, please consider adding MBCS as your charity of choice. This is a great way to order items and support the school. If you have not already selected MBCS as your charity you will need to do so. It is listed as Monterey Bay Charter School Parent Teacher Group.
Please Consider Donating
Support Monterey Bay Charter School programs, please donate!
Important Thank You’s!
We would like to thank the following organizations for supporting our MBCS Summer Program. We could not have done this without you!
- Pacific Grove Natural History Museum
- Pavel’s Bakery
- Trotter Gallery

Summer Read A Thon Results!
Congratulations to our MBCS students who participated in our annual Read A Thon. Together, our students read over 20,000 minutes and raised over $3,000 for our school. Great job students!