PG Parade of Lights & Our Annual Holiday Bazaar!
Our PG Parade of Lights float was amazing this year! A big thank you to our float chair, Germaine Ng, and our dedicated parent volunteers for assembling our float and walking in the parade with us!
Additionally, the Holiday Bazaar was a wonderful winter themed event for all! Our families enjoyed craft making booths for students, wreath making for adults, vendors for holiday gifts, holiday music, gift wrapping, food, family photos in our winter fairyland, and more!

The Lottery is Open for the 2022-2023 School Year
MBCS is a Tuition-Free Waldorf Inspired Public School TK – 8th Grade
MBCS has enrollment openings for this school year in all grades and the Lottery is open for the 2022-2023 School Year! Please spread the word. All interested families can apply online:

Amazon Smile
Did you know MBCS has an Amazon Smile account? If you are ordering items via amazon, please consider adding MBCS as your charity of choice. This is a great way to order items and support the school. If you have not already selected MBCS as your charity you will need to do so. It is listed as Monterey Bay Charter School Parent Teacher Group.

Donor Spotlight:
Rent a Living Christmas Tree
This year two living California Redwood trees joined us for our annual Holiday Bazaar event, courtesy of Rent A Living Christmas Tree.These trees grew up locally, in their forest near Carmel, where they have waited all year to join a family for the holidays. They have been brightening the season for the last 12 years, and each time they return to the forest they are welcomed back by their furry and feathered friends. To learn more about how such a thing is possible, visit Thank you Rent A Living Christmas Tree for donating two trees and various decorations to decorate our Holiday Bazaar!

Lantern Walks!
Waldorf schools all around the world have adopted this autumn evening walk in which children carry their “lanterns” (a jar decorated in class) that is made bright with a candle lit inside. The child’s family joins the rest of the class as the children sing autumn songs walk together.
The cool autumn night air, the lights from the lanterns, and our singing voices make this celebration of autumn very very special for our children and families.

MC Gives! Campaign runs until the end of the Year
The MC Gives! Campaign is a partnership between the Weekly, the Community Foundation for Monterey County and the Monterey Peninsula Foundation. Coupled with the generosity of major supporters — the Neumeier Poma Investment Counsel, Cannery Row Company, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and the Colburn and Alana Jones Foundation at CFMC — MC Gives! kicks off with an overall Matching Fund of over $450,000.
From November 11 to December 31, donations can be made through the MC Gives! program for Monterey Bay Charter School. Many of our families choose to submit their Family Giving contributions during this time. It is an honor to be accepted into the MC GIves! Program.