Celebrating Black History Month
February 1st marked the beginning of Black History Month; a month where we recognize and celebrate the contributions of African Americans throughout history. Black History Month is also a time to reflect on the continued struggle for racial justice.
Monterey Bay Charter School faculty and administration are dedicated to honoring Black History Month with meaningful discussions and assignments for our students. We believe it is crucial we teach our children, regardless of race, ethnicity or background, the truths of our past, the current conditions we live in, and what changes we must make to create a more diverse and inclusive world for everyone.
Throughout February, we will be sharing our students work with our community. This week, we would like to share a main lesson book drawing from one of our second grade students who is learning about the life and incredible work of Harriet Tubman.
Monterey Bay Charter School is dedicated to equity and inclusion for all. We will honor and celebrate the amazing contributions of African Americans during Black History Month and throughout the year. We will strengthen and uphold the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion in all areas of the community.
Amazon Smile
Did you know MBCS has an Amazon Smile account? If you are ordering items via amazon, please consider adding MBCS as your charity of choice. This is a great way to order items and support the school. If you have not already selected MBCS as your charity you will need to do so. It is listed as Monterey Bay Charter School Parent Teacher Group.

Donor Spotlight
Since its founding in 1998, MBCS has offered a unique and highly effective interdisciplinary curriculum based on a deep understanding of the developmental stages of childhood.
Our garden program is an integral part of our third-grade curriculum. Many children in third grade undergo the nine year change. Working in the garden allows children to immerse themselves in nature, as they begin to understand the complexities of the world around them. In doing so, garden work becomes very grounding for the child.
We are incredibly grateful for the continuous support of Taylor Farms to bring our garden program to our students. Because of their generous $10,000 grant, we are able to purchase new seedlings, dirt, rebuild our chicken coup and spruce up our garden in time for children to return to school.
School Reopenning Plans
MBCS has updated our Covid-19 Safety Plan to align with state and county guidelines. We are also in the process of contracting with a testing company to be able to administer COVID-19 testing for all students/employees. Monterey County’s case numbers are still too high to reopen at this time. Nonetheless, we remain hopeful that our county’s case numbers will continue to decrease and the vaccine will become available to more individuals in our community. We are excited to share we are exploring outdoor classroom designs and we cannot wait to see our students again!

Spreading the Love for Valentine’s Day
This year our second grade students created Valentine’s Day cards for seniors in nursing homes. This was a Cards for Humanity Project from Alliance on Aging. We are so proud of our thoughtful and caring students!
Please remember to fill out THIS FORM for incoming students. This includes students with siblings currently attending MBCS.