Monterey County Gives!
From November 12 through December 31, many of you generously gave to Monterey Bay Charter School through the MC Gives! program. Because of your contributions we raised over $35,000 for our programs! We are so incredibly thankful for your continued support.
Amazon Smile
Did you know MBCS has an Amazon Smile account? If you are ordering items via amazon, please consider adding MBCS as your charity of choice. This is a great way to order items and support the school. If you have not already selected MBCS as your charity you will need to do so. It is listed as Monterey Bay Charter School Parent Teacher Group.
Donor Spotlight
As we mentioned last month, music is an integral part of our curriculum at MBCS. It is amazing that our students are exposed to a wide range of instruments throughout their academic journey at our school.
We are incredibly grateful for the continuous support of the S.T.A.R. Foundation to bring music to our students. Because of their generous $5,000 grant, we were able to purchase new instruments and build these amazing storage unit for all of our instruments in the performing arts room.
Thank you S.T.A.R. Foundation!

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.
Last Monday, we celebrated the life and work of an incredible individual. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who fought for equity and inclusion for all. In past years, our school community has walked in the MLK parade in Seaside. We were sad we could not participate in this beautiful celebration this year.
Nonetheless, our national holiday is being celebrated in our classrooms. Second and eighth grade buddies are creating “I Have a Dream” poems together. Students have heard the story of Martin Luther King Jr., particularly his experience as a child. There is also a focus on the historic election of a black woman to the second highest office and the upcoming inauguration. Other grades are reading Martin Luther King Jr. passages and answering reading comprehension questions, creating an MLK timeline flip book and listening to his speeches.
As an influential civil rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr’s work is still incredibly important and relevant. We hope you had a peaceful and healthy holiday.

There’s Gnome-one like you
Let your family, friends and teachers know that ‘there’s Gnome-one like you’ with a homemade Valentine craft!
Pre-orders via Parent Square: January 14th – 23rd.
Craft kit pick-up at Main Campus in PG: February 2nd and 3rd from 2 pm – 5 pm
Click HERE to order Valentine’s Day craft kits.
Kindness is contagious, pass it on!
Please remember to fill out THIS FORM for incoming students. This includes students with siblings currently attending MBCS.