Pebble Beach AT&T Pro-Am Volunteer Opportunity!
The AT&T Pro-Am is the weekend of February 3, 2023. MBCS is honored to be a preferred nonprofit organization that provides volunteers to make the event possible. We need many volunteers to fill time slots for the four day event. The more volunteers we provide, the more money our school receives. All volunteers will be shuttled into the Pro-Am from the PG campus and will be able to stay at the event after their volunteer shift, if they would like to enjoy the golf tournament.
WHERE: Pebble Beach Golf Links 15 Fairway
TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Please see the preliminary schedule by clicking the link; this schedule may be altered slightly as we work through the planning process.
SHIFT LENGTH: 5 hours per shift.
SHUTTLES/PARKING: Shuttle volunteers will drive concession stand volunteers in from MBCS PG Campus via their own vehicles. Drivers should arrive at PG Campus at 6:45am for loading and leave promptly at 7am for 7:30am shift start time. Afternoon shift drivers should arrive at the PG campus at 11:15am for loading and leave promptly at 11:30am for 12pm shift start time.
UNIFORMS: Volunteers must wear black pants, black shoes, black socks, and a black belt. PBC will provide all volunteers with a uniform shirt. Masks are suggested and gloves are required at all times.
WHO: MBCS Parents, grandparents, relatives, staff, and select students.
AGE OF VOLUNTEERS: 75% of the volunteers need to be 21 years old or over so that they may serve alcohol.Middle school students may sign up for the other 25% of volunteers).
MEALS: Each volunteer will receive a meal (entrée and soda or water) after their shift is completed or before their shift starts. Alcohol is absolutely NOT permitted to be consumed by volunteers at any time.
ANOTHER BONUS: Volunteers may enjoy the tournament and event outside of their volunteer hours for free!
MBCS Open House this week. Please share with friends and family!
MBCS is a Tuition-Free Waldorf Inspired Public School TK – 8th Grade
MBCS has enrollment openings for this school year in all grades and the Lottery is open for the 2023-2024 School Year! Please spread the word. All interested families can apply online!

Amazon Smile
Did you know MBCS has an Amazon Smile account? If you are ordering items via amazon, please consider adding MBCS as your charity of choice. This is a great way to order items and support the school. If you have not already selected MBCS as your charity you will need to do so. It is listed as Monterey Bay Charter School Parent Teacher Group.

Zero Waste Lunch Program!
MBCS to Become the First School in Monterey County to Implement a Zero Waste Lunch Program
We are excited to announce that we are taking a big step toward our goal of becoming a zero waste school by separating our food scraps, improving recycling, and reducing trash. As a recognized NOAA Ocean Guardian School, we are committed to doing our part to reduce the waste going into our landfills and keeping single-use plastic out of our oceans.
MBCS Student Council students partnered with Waste Management and ReGen Monterey to create a new trash system at the Pacific Grove campus (and coming soon to the Foothill Campus). Starting this week, we have new outdoor trash collection stations, with 3 bins for separating compostable food waste, recycling, and trash. In addition, each classroom will have a food waste container for food scraps and all school lunches, provided by MBCS, are served family style to further reduce waste.
We are excited to be the first school in Monterey County to implement the new food waste collection system!

It’s Time for the Annual MBCS Spring Auction!
The annual Spring Auction is our school’s largest fundraiser! A group of dedicated parent volunteers work all year long to obtain donations for our online auction, assemble raffle baskets and plan a themed party that is open to the community. If you have a service or item you would like to donate to our silent auction, please email: communications@mbcharterschool.org.

Together we raised $46,640!
We would like to thank everyone who donated to Monterey Bay Charter School through the MC Gives! campaign. This year our school raised $46,640 before the Community Foundation match. Thank you!