MBCS Celebrates One Year as a Zero Waste School
It has now been one year since MBCS Student Council students partnered with Waste Management and ReGen Monterey to take a big step toward our goal of becoming a zero waste school by separating our food scraps, improving recycling, and reducing trash.
Last year, MBCS placed new outdoor trash collection stations, with 3 bins for separating compostable food waste, recycling, and trash in each hallway. Additionally, each classroom received a food waste container for food scraps. All school lunches, provided by MBCS, are also served family style to further reduce waste.
As a recognized NOAA Ocean Guardian School, we are committed to doing our part to reduce the waste going into our landfills and keeping single-use plastic out of our oceans. We look forward to our next year as a zero waste school!
Prom through the Decades
Spring Auction Sponsorship Opportunity
Spring Auction Sponsorship Opportunity
Would you like to sponsor our Spring Auction party?
Saturday, March 23, 2024, 6:00 – 9:00 pm

Through sponsorships of the Spring Auction party, we can offer tickets at a lower cost and enable more of our families to participate in this fun event. Additionally, sponsorships enables more funds raised at the event to fund our school programs.
If interested in sponsoring the MBCS Spring Auction, please email: communications@mbcharterschool.org

Donor Spotlight
Monterey Peninsula Volunteer Services & Rotary Club Pacific Grove
To support literacy development, foster a lifelong love of reading, provide a quiet space on campus, and to increase access to a diverse selection of high interest and educational books, parent volunteers have created and curated our first ever school library. Over the past two years, they have cataloged over 4,000 books using a digitized checkout system. Parent volunteers open the library daily for students to independently access library resources at recess, lunch, and after school as well as offering regular opportunities for teachers to bring their classes in for story-time and checkouts.
Grant funds received for our school library allow us to purchase essential supplies and additional books.
Thank you Monterey Peninsula Volunteer Services and Rotary Club Pacific Grove for generously donating to our school library. We appreciate your continued support.

Third Grade Farmers Market
Both third grade classes held a Farmers Market when school resumed. Students made and sold crafts or food items to other students in the classroom. The focus was to give the children an authentic experience creating and marketing, budgeting, spending money, and making change when selling and purchasing items. Great job third grade students!