Celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week
The first week of May marked Teacher Appreciation Week and a May Faire celebration at school. Students, administrators, teachers and parents were busy preparing for this magical week.
This year, to celebrate our teachers administration purchased beautiful picnic totes and our families filled the totes with goodies for their teachers.
We appreciate all that our teachers do for our students. Their adaptability, attentiveness and continued love and support means the world to our families and administration. Thank you for being you! We appreciate you SO much!
Our teachers also received a delicious lunch from 831 Catering. Thank you 831 Catering for supporting our school!

A Spring Celebration
Last Friday, our students welcomed spring with May Pole dancing and creating beautiful flower crowns with classmates. It was a fun filled week at Monterey Bay Charter School!

In Loving Memory of Francisco Cortes
A Special Story:
Our new irrigation materials were lovingly donated in memory of Francisco Cortes, a landscape contractor and owner of Green Environment Landcape, Inc. His daughter, Claudia Carter and his grandson, a MBCS student, have shared with us that he passed away in December due to Covid. His company warehouse is being cleaned out and they have lovingly donated materials to MBCS. Claudia says, “It makes me so happy to be donating this to my son’s school. My dad loved to help people and if he were still alive I know he would of been out there at every volunteer weekend rolling up his sleeves.”
Also Big Thank You’s to…
Honey Blossom Retreat Garden
Thank you to Honey Blossom Retreat Garden for your generous donation to our annual vegetable beds!
Hana Gardens
Del Rey Oaks Garden Center has gifted MBCS with many California native plants, annual vegetable starts and bulk compost and planting soil for our renovations. We are so grateful!
With all of the amazing donations and support from families, we have been able to successfully support the third grade and kindergarten classes for the remainder of the 2021 school year and also lay the groundwork for the 2021-2022 school year!
Happenings Around Campus
It has been wonderful to see our student’s back on campus and enjoying school. Our third grade students just finished their shelter reports and projects and displayed them in the garden for other classes to see.
Meanwhile, our fourth grade students just finished their animal projects and reports. The projects were incredible!

Amazon Smile
Did you know MBCS has an Amazon Smile account? If you are ordering items via amazon, please consider adding MBCS as your charity of choice. This is a great way to order items and support the school. If you have not already selected MBCS as your charity you will need to do so. It is listed as Monterey Bay Charter School Parent Teacher Group.
Consider Donating
Support Monterey Bay Charter School programs, please donate!

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Taskforce
The DEI Taskforce commits itself to support all students and create a school culture where everyone grows together. Sometimes this includes having difficult or challenging conversations with ourselves and each other. In addition to recognizing the work and action that our school engages within the realms of DEI, every week, we will include a conversation topic and/or valuable resources to ignite critical conversations in our everyday interactions at school, home, and our community. Together we will create this Brave Space by planting the seeds of personal growth within ourselves and our children.
Building A “Brave Space”
Last week, we invited our families to create a “Brave Space” together here at our schools, homes, and communities. If you missed the youtube reading of this poem, please (click here).
For this week’s brave action, we ask you to focus on talking about race with your children. This is a difficult conversation topic for many of us and for differing reasons. Nevertheless, we must not shy away from this. Please listen to this 20 minute podcast on NPR: Parenting: Difficult Conversations with the following guiding question in mind:
“When did you first talk to your child/children about race? And if you have never, why not?”
If you would like to share your thoughts in community, please join our social media conversation Facebook group@ “Brave Space: Courageous Conversations with MBCS”