Third Grade Farmers Market
This spring, third graders have been selling lettuce, chard, kale, spinach, parsley, cilantro, bok choy, radishes, and more at their pop-up Farmers Market! They have been selling beautiful vegetables to save up to fix our garden gate and build an arbor across the gate posts. Great job third grade students and thank you garden parent volunteers for all of your hard work in our school garden. We appreciate you!
We Are Still Enrolling for the 2022-2023 School Year!
MBCS is a Tuition-Free Waldorf Inspired Public School TK – 8th Grade
We are still accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year. Interested families can request a school tour here.

Amazon Smile
Did you know MBCS has an Amazon Smile account? If you are ordering items via amazon, please consider adding MBCS as your charity of choice. This is a great way to order items and support the school. If you have not already selected MBCS as your charity you will need to do so. It is listed as Monterey Bay Charter School Parent Teacher Group.

Spring Faire Fun!
Spring Faire this year celebrated dances around the world and also included our Spring Assembly showcasing our 4th-8th grade students progress in strings class this year. In addition to the Spring Assembly, Spring Faire included a full day of entertainment on our brand new outdoor stage. Performances included a Japanese Fisherman’s Dance, dances from our very own students, the MayPole dance, and a beautiful one hour assembly from Cheza Nami.