Festival of Courage Fun!
Two years have passed since the Festival of Courage play was performed live and the pedagogical needs that our play meets needed to be revisited. The faculty thanks the teachers who workshopped our Courage Play script to illuminate our core values as a Waldorf Alliance School and the MBCS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee mission. Mentor teachers Natalie Croft, Nicolle Frazee, Giulie Garland, Aaron Joseph, Janaka Stagnero and Jazmin Ventura broadened the embrace of the curriculum by including more of it. A song from the Spanish curriculum “I Am Brave/Soy Valiente” is included now and our cast of characters have been amplified. The fifth grade royal court includes noble leaders from different lands and the third grade guardians will represent characters of ancient Norse mythology as well legendary warriors from around the world. This year’s event followed the protocols of an assembly which means the audience was limited to chaperones. The play was recorded for families. Thank you Estrella Films for capturing our fun day on film!

MBCS has enrollment openings for this school year in all grades
MBCS has enrollment openings for this school year in all grades and an upcoming open house! Please spread the word. All interested families can apply online:
Amazon Smile
Did you know MBCS has an Amazon Smile account? If you are ordering items via amazon, please consider adding MBCS as your charity of choice. This is a great way to order items and support the school. If you have not already selected MBCS as your charity you will need to do so. It is listed as Monterey Bay Charter School Parent Teacher Group.
Please Consider Donating
Support Monterey Bay Charter School programs, please donate!

Donor Spotlight:
Whole Kids Foundation
We would like to thank the Whole Kids Foundation for a $3,000 grant to support our all school garden! We look forward to expanding our garden program in the coming months.

Fall is Here! Look at our amazing school pumpkins!
Last spring our garden committee planted three beautiful pumpkin plants in our school garden. From those three plants, grew 48 beautiful pumpkins! Our third grade students had so much fun harvesting from our pumpkin patch.

Special Thanks!
Thank you Meridth Gimbel for creating these beautiful welcome posters for our school. These posters highlight the different languages spoken at MBCS! Check out her fantastic work at MeridthSaysHello.com